Δευτέρα 24 Ιουνίου 2024

Tsveta Mihaylova (Bulgaria) poems



In the distance, er, there's that one
imaginary straight line,
which marks precisely the end,
but in fact it gives a new beginning.
The sky is thirsty. On milk foam
the salty bounty quickly engulfs
from the bottom of the sea,
                      completely rocked.

And then he gives it back in measured drops.
Above is strung out the veins of an Astral,
to read the matrix in step.
And everything happens with an obscure cabal,
and a sign given by the Higher Powers.

Here, every naive notion collapses
about the battle between good and evil.
Unimaginably cruel. And magnifies
like Giotto's relief canvas.
Space battle, conquered infinity,
leafed in countless numbers
                   layer and front.
A battle on both sides of the one
imaginary horizon line.



Who dared to darken with gunpowder smoke
 the transparent heavenly blue?
 Who, without hesitation, divided 
the generously crafted Russian soul? 
From it we learned the song, 
with which we march against the enemy.
 And the world bowed in admiration, 
shaken by the anthem of the sacred war.
 But today horror awakens 
          the Ukrainian land and steppe
 with terror, seen in children's eyes.
 Fear, like a huge black crepe,
 enveloped the trembling mothers and women. 
The Baturin fortress wept. 
There Christ Himself from His Cross saw 
what cruelty 
                  and what absurdity
brotherly murderous war is... 
They already 
said there was a way out for civilians,
 yet bombs mowed down fleeing children...
 Oh, Lord, grant wisdom to the world!
 Let us not be powerless witnesses
 before the saddest union of madness with sorrow...
March 11, 2022.



It comes as a wondrous, amazing marvel. 
A message with an undeciphered code. 
And a starry episode from a celestial tale.
 An exciting creation under the sun's canopy.

It invokes ecstasy. And for two, it's a chance.
 Reveals them with a miraculous revelation. 
But without their life-giving, artistic balance,
 it's a child with a question mark.
                                              Sad and difficult...



I am looking for you!
Person with a capital "P", where are you?
My eyes are round from staring.
My hopes are blown away by the wind
as with lining
              turned all the corners.

 I know that Homo sapiens exists,
proven by countless disertations.
But evolution, like everything, slips in one place
and I guess it took you back to the Primates section...
Sprinkle you with luster,
                     with chameleon-like brilliance.
Demagoguery is a sign that you are not from yesterday.
You flow from empty to empty with a scream
and you look awfully like a dusty chimera.

Yes, you have obviously entered another phase
and I just can't find you.
Even Diogenes refused
to look for you somewhere with a lantern...



Although from Roman times it exists,
it hides an ancient memory in its marble heart.
And Orpheus' distant lyre can be heard,
and the dome above is the starry sky.

The epochs pass by with impatient elbows.
Their hooves spark dusty trails as they pass.
And noisily their nostrils emit smoke, while during intermission
they rest on the stone.
And passionately, destinies and voices come alive -
the white arena becomes a dance of life.
Truth flows from it like a child's eyes.
And turns Plovdiv
into a temple of Melpomene.

But the stage dims. It sinks into silence.
The happy and tired theater falls silent.
A stream of scattered photons of light
chases the chariot of the wind...


 Tsveta Mihailova was born in Dupnitsa - Bulgaria. As a schoolgirl, she wrote poetry and short prose. After completing his higher education, he started working as a chemical engineer in the city of Plovdiv, where he still lives. But her passion for poetry and literature did not diminish. She published 8 poetry books. He has been awarded 6 prizes from participation in National Literary Competitions. Her works have been published in numerous almanacs, magazines and newspapers. There are publications in the International Almanac "SODRUZESTVO" and 2 publications in PRODIGY MAGAZINE - USA, the last publication being in the February 2024 issue. He is a member of the Union of Independent Bulgarian Writers and a member of the Society of Writers - Plovdiv.

Издадени книги:

„Ще избледнее кадифето на очите ми“ 2012

„Да отложиш любовта“ 2013

„101 въртележки от грешки“ 2015

„Кога мечтата боли“ 2017

„Quelque chose plus” 2018 traduit en france par Anelia Veleva

„Моята азбука за животните“ 2019

„Кармичен живот“ 2022

„202 въртележки от грешки“ 2023

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