Παρασκευή 21 Ιουνίου 2024

Three poems of Til Kumari Sharma / Nepal


Ms. Til Kumari Sharma as Multi Award Winner in writing from international literary branch is from Bhorle- Hile, Paiyun 7, Parbat, Gandaki, West Nepal. Her parents are Mr. Hari Prasad Basel / Bashyal Sharma ( Mayor of Village Assembly) and Mrs. Lila Devi Bhusal/Bashyal. Til is known as Pushpa too as youngest daughter. She has published many thousands of poems, some essays, and stories and other literary writings in International magazines, groups and anthologies from ( amazon) Russia, America, England, France, Germany, Iran, Japan, Kosovo, Algeria, Korea, Argentina, Lebanon, Hong Kong, Greece, Philippines, Hungary, Brazil, Chile, Scotland, Indonesia, Egypt, Serbia, Tajikistan, Bangladesh, South Africa, Kenya, Nigeria, North Africa, Trinidad and Tobago, Spain, Sweden, India, Nepal and many other countries. She is featured-poet and best-selling co-author too. She is world-renowned poet now. She has got gold, silver and excellent awards from different international groups of poetry. She is poet of World Record Book named HYPERPOEM. She is an international peace ambassador of Bangladesh and ambassador of Moncheri Escapes of India too. Her World Personality is published in Argentina, Mexico, Lebanon, India and Nepal.

Wound in Love:

Too sour and bitter the love seems.
The alienation plays vital roles.
Isolation heals me enough.
Art dignifies my tension.
Love is only deception.
I have not seen the face of love.
I do not know who loves me enough.
Love is amazing fact.
That is anonymous to me.
Love is like snake biting.
It is not worthy to me.
Only deception dances.
Only tension surrounds.


Sick Heart of Mine:

From very, beginning I was sick.
Once went to grave.
Lovely and attractive my grave was.
Then left it and appeared in stage to perform acts of love game and life.

Me as sick child went to another universe
To find out truth and false.
Mine heart seems tired and thin.
Kind enough only to selfish people.
My heart needs to be secured enough.
But love runs away from me.


Yellow Love:

My love was sick from very beginning.
It was not nourished with intelligent thoughts.
The life was uneasy so.
Love seems emergency in the life.
Love withers slowly.
No experience and expectation in true love.
Love is handsome for users.
But no true love is got to true lovers.
My love withers from very early.
It did not get healthy mind.
My sick and dim love can not harmonize my life and world.
Love is not medicine here.
Just torture and tears always.

May 17-2024
© Til Kumari Sharma
Paiyun 7- Hile
Parbat, Nepal

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