Δευτέρα 24 Ιουνίου 2024

Χρήστος Ντικμπασάνης, Εξι Ποιήματα - Christos Dikbasanis, Six Poems




Let's travel among the stars!
We will open a crack
in the darkness of eternal night
with the light of our love
We will let the waves of pleasure flow
like the juice of unripe grapes,
like a waterfall of foaming early lusts
that are about to spill out
in the river of our meeting

Let's walk
onto the stressed body of the asteroids
which for so many centuries collided
in our timid dreams
and they disappeared them indifferently!

Forget your fears
and your hesitations!
Imagine that we are two trilobites
which their union will inevitably lead
in the blooming of new seasons
Let's get lost in the vortex
of a bright, new creation!




They often come to mind
all that I craved
but I didn't have the courage to bring them to life
I usually take refuge in oblivion
but how to ban
in my mind and heart the memories?
They become beasts, monsters and dragons
and they are following me
without mercy, without pity,
without fatigue
I don't always succeed
to resist them and forget
They are relentlessly chasing me
They tear apart the colorful canvas
of oblivion and redemption
with their large sharpened claws
Then I give up myself
to their uncontrollable appetites
I no longer put up any resistance
I let them devour
my time and my soul
Then in the night
my moments become hell
I'm burning
of glowing stones
that the merciless memories throw at me,
punishing me
for I hesitated to give breath
to all that is precious, to all that is bright
and it was everything to me




Years and years of anticipation painted
in our pale, wrinkled, sweaty faces
Years and years of Ioveia patience
inside our eyes sockets
Years and years of progress
among our dreams
and our expectations for an independence area
Free Besieged inside our cities
Prisoners of our doubts and universal seduction
Hope is the only refuge of our soul
Somewhere here in our hearts
there must have be a living, moving God

How to clean the skies
from the garbage of our vassalage?
How to get a new life?
How to build our new world?
How to rebirth our ancestral cradle?

Only by changing our mindset
will we establish our new life
without many questions and concerns
But only chants and prayers
we promised to our Gods
Where to set up the altar for the sacrifices
to our clean home?
How many more light years will we carry
our unholy fragility at the ends of the sky
without concessions and promises
for a painless new beginning?
How to put order a new beginning in our life?
How to force life to obey our wishes?
We still believe it like our soul and our purified earth
will restore our ruins again,
it will ease the pain in our crippled dreams
it will allow us to be born again




I didn’t make it yesterday
to seize the day by the hair
I woke myself up
little child in pain
from the foolishness of the world
I took it in my arms so it wouldn't cry
I comforted it
in the twilight of humanity
I covered it with a blanket of dreams
I sang to him about the years of love
who left us
but they will come back with their own hands
full of apologies and hope
for an auspicious tomorrow
I looked at his eyelids
that they were asking to imprison
the Morpheus in his eyes
I let it dream of future ages
without wars, machinations and crosses




My prayer of relocations on other planet
today is in tears
Every fellow of mine
glorifies the last hour
that gives birth
to dreams,desires, expectations
Anyone who hasn’t sown hopes
he cannot reap

successful harvest We spread on the firmament
Our manly hands
full of flaming gifts
We taste the removal
of our technological wreckages
to other heavenly worlds
We start with momentum
for the immaculate dream
to make our cradle, the Earth,
sustainable again




Come up and be reborn with me, brother!
Give me your hand
from the deep Kuiper Belt,
from the distant constellation of Virgo
Climb up these elevated fields
of the exoplanets of hope
Leave hypochthonic time behind you
May your petrified voice regain its strength
May your pierced eyes be healed
You who once tamed
the wild waves of unreachable dreams
You who dared to raise gigantic temples
to adore perishable and impersonal deities
Get up here!
Take with you the chalice of a new life


Christos Dikbasanis is a poet, writer and scholar of religions. He was born in Thessaloniki in 1961, where he graduated from the Theological School of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. He holds a Master's Degree (MTh) in Religious Studies. His poems and essays have been presented in many literary magazines, print and electronic. Many of his poems have been dramatized by the theatrical groups. Also, Christos Dikbasanis has been included in the “GREAT ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MODERN GREEK LITERATURE of HARI PATSI “publications, as well as in the "WHO'S WHO" of journalists. He has participated with his texts in collective works and anthologies. He has been honored with important national and international awards.

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