Δευτέρα 27 Μαΐου 2024

A Poem by Ahmed Miqdad ...


"Blood and Flour "

"The starvation chases what remains from my flesh
The bullets penetrate my delicate bones
And my blood is mixed with  the flour
 to draw the image of  the  beautiful horizon.

I'm thrown on the beach
Near the bag of the flour
For my hungry children
The sand of the beach is chilling
The injured body is bleeding And shivering 
And the waves of the sea are orchestrating the symphony of my death.

The monstrous soldiers are laughing inside their tanks and cheering their bloody cups.
While my children are deadly starving and 
 awaiting for the promised bread
I barely hear Someone far was saying, 

Neither their father nor the flour has returned home".

To all brothers and sisters
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Share the poem of my dear friend Honourable poet

Ahmed Miqdad 
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poetry unites people
Poetry is peace

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