Κυριακή 7 Ιουλίου 2024

Poems of Nigar Nurula khalilova



If God doesn’t want it,
Simoom not tears leaf,
Cactus not blooms,
Butterfly not lives.
Are you God, are you Lord?!
Are you my sentence?
I am lifeless desert,
You’ re my deadly end.
You’ re love, deceptive star,
My mirage, my sleep.
I am the blinded eyes,
Cracked bloodied lips.
Are you God, are you Lord,
Tower over me?!
You’ re the soil with water buried,
I’m the thirsty lily.


In the world of people uncomfortable and cold,
The sun warms the hearts less and less.
And kindness, like a ounce of gold,
Tightly hidden in stone of the face.
Oh, these are bystanders looks!
The lion overtakes the running doe.
The hawk torments with a cruel tremor
The partridge in the grass, just look!
Ostrich sweeps in the feathers of contempt:
-Croaks someone as if below?!
And straining patience crocodile
Sharpens its tooth with green bile.
In the world of people all borders are marked.
So as not to pass on the scent of a stranger.
If the hyena passes unnoticed,
There is no way back to her alive.
There are green pastures on the planet,
Chubby hunger entry is prohibited.
There are no homes for homless people
Even at the cemetery…
Fatty man knows no wealth account.
In the wild savanna instincts howling,
Mother-antilope was killed.
Lioness takes care of a cub,
Hunger in herself drowning.



My beauty, go and meet him,
Stranger touched the threshold.
In the trench the flower withered,
With a bullet plucked he returned.
By ice of his hands you embarrassed,
Fell asleep, passed way was hard,
Washed the shirt with blood,
He returned, hung up it on the heart.
Gone, in your eyes felt,
And quench your chest with love,
Gone the only fate,
Returned at the cost of his life.
Stand up, your time is over,
Where did you put it, your scarf?!
Hair with black scarf cover,
His mother heartbroken comes.
Squeese screams in the lump in the throat,
Knees on the ground lean,
Returned, kiss his eyes hot,
In the pupils war frozen grin.


One Syrian gynecologist Dr Bashar told me a curious story that happened to him and now I want to share it with you .In good times to the latest events in Syria he had his own clinic, where he examined the patients, and in the next room he stayed himself. Once at midnight, when the last patient left and the tired doctor went to bed ,the door of his clinic nearly flew off its hingers. It was being pounded, as if with hands, but with hammers. Doctor with anxious thoughts of bleeding ,muttering under his breath: " God knows what happened", run to open the door. A man standing on the threshold and shouting: " Doctor, help me!", grabbing Bashar by the hand, he led him into the car. Arriving at the place,doctor went to the house. But the man showed him the way to the construction in the yard.
Your wife is going to deliver in the shed?- The doctor was taken aback.
What wife?!-Man got angry.
My cow can't to give birth
Doctor was about to leave, but having met his eyes with a cow, exhausted from labour contractions , fell on its side in the corner of the shed and was not moaning in a voice, took pity and… stayed.

My colleaque, a Syrian specialist in women affairs, somehow told me another story that happened with him.
A woman, whether ill, or not, was using to attend clinic to him and plaintively asking the doctor at each appointment:
-Don’t you exam me?
Well, Bashar, like me, also swore the Hippocratic oath, albeit in his Arabic language, how not to exam the sick?!
And so, the story of vaginal examinations would have lasted for quite a long time, if not the nurse, who noticed something amiss on the part of a leech woman who duq into the doctor and did not want to fall off.
Finally Bashar noticed the nurse’s sidelong glances and forbade the woman to come to the clinic. To which the woman dreamly answered:
-How I would like the whole to be in the arms of your white hands!

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