Τρίτη 2 Ιουλίου 2024

Muhammad Ishaq Abbasi / Pakistan - Two Poems


Nature And Peace Of Mind 

Due to the intense heat,trees were depressed.
 Water in their veins had dried up.
 I saw the lake of blue and clear water.
 On the shore of which there was a green banyan tree.
 Which was very dense and spread far.
 Some branches were kissing the forehead of  water.
 I was drenched in sweat.
 There was sand on the shore of the lake.
 I picked up the sand in my hands.
 And scattered on a small part under the tree.
 Then sprinkled water on the sand and spread the sack.
 And lay down 
 Put your elbow on the ground and put your head on top of your hand.
 After a while the sweat dried up.
 I was feeling cold.
 Felt freshness in my imagination.
 White herons were swimming in it.
 Birds of different species were resting in their nests in the tree
 Suddenly a thirsty deer came running.
 And from near me,
 He jumped into the water of it.
 Due to which water splashed on my face
 I grabbed the hanging branch and started swinging the swing.
 Sometimes I would go up and sometimes down.
  The breathing was up and down.
 And I was having fun.
 Immediately,I was lost in my childhood memories.
 The peace of mind that nature gave me for free.
 A king cannot attain such peace even by living in a palace of gold.

Dr.Muhammad Ishaq Abbasi 


A Dove

I see a beautiful sound dove,
He is symbol of affection and love.
Its colour is light white and brown،
Flying here and there, up and down.
He keeps his life,so simple ،
For others,sets an example.
Praises to Allah day and nights,
For the right of helpless,he fights.
Hates greed,pride and arrogance,
Embraces humility and tolerance.
Has a soft heart and looks meek,
Loves victims, orphans and weak.
No contradiction in his words and action,
 Doesn't suffer from any misconception.
Makes the world peaceful from conflict and war,
Takes special care of the oppressed near and far.

Dr.Muhammad Ishaq Abbasi 

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