Δευτέρα 1 Ιουλίου 2024





 Leon, mom loves you the most,
 with all my heart and soul,
 I wish you always be healthy,
 and may happiness be your only home.

 I also wish you to do well in school,
 that your efforts come to the fore,
 because remember, baby: life is one,
 and all this passes quickly.

 I want you to be a good man
 And that only kindness rules your soul,
 that you don't lose your smile even when the sun is shining
 nor when it rains.

 I wish you sadness to pass you by, 
 to never visit you, no,
 I want you to know that of everyone in the world
 mom loves you the most.

 And when you're good and when you're hard, 
 I'm here for you
 always be on top of love,
 never at the bottom.

 You are my happiness, know that well,
 and never waste your life on bad things,
 don't let anyone ever break you
 nor to corrupt your soul.

 I'm here, don't worry, just come to me,
 at least I can give you a hug,
 how much love I have for you,
 I hope you will know one day.


 Antonio, little boy,
 you blond angel, you are my everything,
 as soon as i saw you 
 as if the most beautiful light had entered my life.

 Your beautiful blue eyes
 and little hands, you know
 they brought joy to my life and 
 brought the most beautiful shine to my eyes.

 There is no one, absolutely no one in the world,
 who loves you more than me
 there is only one mom who cares for you,
 he prays to dear God every day.

 I pray for you that you will always be well,
 d no pain brings you down,
 to grow into a good person
 who carries only love in her soul.

 I just want health to serve you,
 that's my biggest wish,
 that happiness always lives in you
 accompanied by the most beautiful color of life.

 Antonio, be good to me,
 and let a smile always shine on your little face,
 because you are the life of my life,
 mom's greatest happiness.



 My little Luce,
 you've been through everything
 life has given you a difficult challenge 
 but you didn't let yourself be defeated.

 So young, you've already been through everything,
 but you didn't turn off your smile, no,
 your life shine is special, really,
 you are a fighter for life, I want you to know that.

 Since you came as a gift to this world,
 you became my most beautiful flower,
 you are my light, you are my everything
 you don't even know how much I love you.

 You are my strength, sweet love,
 angels of the most beautiful wings of life,
 I want your heart to always shine like a star,
 because you are my little lioness.

 And when you grow up, the strength will be yours,
 and I will always be there for you, my love,
 because there is only one mother who knows how to love,
 my little girl who shines like the golden sun

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