Τρίτη 17 Σεπτεμβρίου 2024

MIRROR - Poem by Jernail S Aanand



Jernail S Aanand 

Mirrors are considered  greatest friends
Of mankind which tell 
Of our out-firmities
And we can settle our twisted looks.

You cannot see your face 
Except in a mirror 
But mirrors have their own infirmities, 
You can't see your soul 

One such mirror was once discovered 
By some eager fans 
And hung 
On the cross roads of life 

Whosoever happened to come close to it
Saw his dreams and his passions 
Instead of his figure 
In the mirror. 

Men who went close to the mirror 
Soon started bringing garlands
For every man saw 
A woman reflected back.

But this proved too much 
For women folk
When some of them went before it
The truth it spoke.

Finding the men they loved 
That too in public view 
Was too much and anon
The mirror was reduced to rubble.

Now mirrors reflect only our face
Not our mind 
Nor our soul, nor our dreams,
Didn't you hear its screams?

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