Σάββατο 8 Μαρτίου 2025

Ahmed Farooq Baidoon Poetry


This is Ahmed Farooq Baidoon, the Egyptian poet, herewith my selected poems in honor of celebration of women's day

Ahmed Farooq Baidoon, situated on an Egyptian city at the Mediterranean seaside, my passion for literary works since my former writings on poetic genres translated into the native mother tongue, Arabic, in addition to my passion for Shakespeare, William Words Worth, Yeats and Robert Frost, some highlights on the African contemporary poets and novelists, most of contemporary erudition on the Egyptian writers in literature. Still my poetic modus operandi are reflected throughout finding a manifest-clear equivalent of Arabic literary genre into English till the time being, as a member in Arabic fora for literature. I hope to partake in the coming edition for your interest. To my knowance; an accolade of ovation for my plea Words of gratitude are jostling for your venerable role model. Hereunder the selected poem in the Women's day as follows:


1- Mother: the Fountain and Fauna:

Call her a devotee of matchless love,
Call her the crutch of help when push comes to shove,
Mother, I am lost without your pursuance dove,
Mother is that emerald and that jasmine in the morrow,
She is the slavation of that untold sorrow,
The divine creation and ravishing sign,
An angel with sublime and transcendental epithets we toe her line,
She carried us once inside her umbilical womb,
A kinship nexus bond cord unbroken till abode in tomb,
She is the healer, the guidance, the taciturn voice of me,
The instructor, the admonisher, the pursuer of my glee,
A paragon of benediction and charity,
Be her a role model of limitless altruism and chastity,
Let alone that one whose paradise laid underneath her feet,
Our Lord's messengers with prophecy to mercy her and subdue to greet,
She is origin of our breath, whiff of livilihood, understood?
She is the affiliated wealth in today's errands and the Hereafter, motherhood,
Mother is all-in-all attached to my lifelong kindness and existence,
Let alone the word of God to prevail lenience and propagate subsistence,
She is the sole entire heavenly grant, without her, destitution of beauty,
An epitome of longing and adoration, no one else except for her fulfillment of duty,
Let alone an aura of reparation in the time of tribulation and dismay,
Call her the fuel of my survival, and come what may
Who else can stand the throes of hardships for my sake,
May the Almighty mercy her soul in abode of eternity till wake,
My fountain and fauna of purity and goodness in abominable world:
Without you, dreams on the vestige of a nightmare, presaging hopes at stake.


2- An Epitome of Myriad Givings: Farewell

Farewell to thee, the laughter of my life,
Farewell to thee, the all sources of merriment rife,
Farewell To thee, the endeavors and passion of moving on,
FarewellTo thee, the ink of my quill, my only sun shone,
FarewellTo thee, that album of my childhood since baby stroller,
My walking support as toddler, child and youngling adult controller,
FarewellTo thee, the nurturing, cherishing and mainstay of joy,
Without you, my pictured smile turned into smirk, delusion and loss annoy,
The undersigned, whose mom passed away, aberrated from sanity,
FarewellTo thee, darkness loom across my way forward, a travesty!
Mom, once you were the disclosed secrecy of my equilibrium and accomplishment,
Now, my entangled jungle of magical unison became a lifeless torment,
All Earthly feminine to the beholder and me are worthy that ovation,
No muscular well-being of macho man can be alike as a creation,
FarewellTo thee, lost for jostling words, and much obliged, mommy,
My wife, my daughter, my fair lady, senile oldy, my sound healthy or crippled,
I am living every now and again with pride of a name attached to you,
Thronged people on Earth celebrate your day in March times due,
An accolade of veneration and reverence you deserve,
'' The crown of universal iconic existence" awaiting to serve.

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