Παρασκευή 21 Ιουνίου 2024


The poems are philosophical which engage your attention from the beginning. The Holy Grain relates the concept of the eternal journeyman who is trying to find out from the earth the golden grain. The search continues in the Second poem, in which the poet presents a new philosophy of life.He finds animals and birds like different vehicles hired by droplets of life, like tributaries of rivers, moving towards the Ocean of Life.


I was told there is gold underneath
So I started digging the ground
I am the eternal journey man
And the gold still to be found

In this pursuit I will die,
And come again,
Million times before,
And million after in a train

I change the wrapper but inside
The same passion retain
To search out from this earth
The holy grain

Tireless am I, moving up the slope
Though lost at times,
In darks grope
Yet ever remain buoyed in hope

I was left aswirl by a powerful hand
To which I shall finally return
When the swirl is spent
Quenched at last in the Golden Tent.



A million rivulets carry water
through millions of gorges
making roaring noise at times
and change to cataracts
sometimes flow at ease
all finally moving
towards the sea
where millions of creations abide
life and death, side by side.

All the created universe
the birds, the animals,
and even small ants
hawks, cuckoos,
cocks snd peacocks
each created object is
a droplet of life,
inching towards the great ocean
to which death brings them one by one.

Here is the great pool of life
in which life and death coexistentially abide
From here the gaseous substances fly
And return to the earth
transformed into life
like tributaries, these droplets of life
hire various vehicles
and move towards the Ocean of Life.


Jernail Singh Anand is President of the International Academy of Ethics. He is author of 160 plus books in English poetry, fiction, non-fiction, philosophy and spirituality. The Academy of Arts and Philosophical Sciences, Bari (Italy) honoured him with the prestigious position of Honorable Academic. He was awarded Charter of Morava, the great International Award in Creativity by Serbian Writers Association, Belgrade at the60th Belgrade International Writers Meeting (Oct 2023), and his name was engraved on the Poets’ Rock in Serbia. Recently, he was awarded Doctor of Philosophy [Honoris Causa] by the University of Engg and Management, Jaipur. His most phenomenal book is Lustus:The Prince of Darkness [first epic of the Mahkaal Trilogy]. [Email: anandjs55@yahoo.com Mobile: 919876652401[Whatsapp]

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