Παρασκευή 21 Ιουνίου 2024

Poem of Verica Tadić (Serbia)


BIO: Verica Tadić (Serbia) publishes contemporary poetry, haiku poems, stories, essays, studies, maxims and aphorisms in domestic and international magazines. It is represented in 40 joint books and 30 anthologies.
She published 13 books. Her poetry has been translated into several foreign languages.
She is the winner of awards in her country for poetry, stories, aphorisms and essays, as well as the Yugoslav award "Ćamil Sijarić", Inter-Republican Community for Cultural and Educational Activity, Montenegro, Pljevlja.
Verica is also a laureate of the Naji Naaman Foundation, from Lebanon - "Honorary awards (for complete works)", for 2018. She is an honorary member of the Naji Naaman House of Culture (Maison Naaman pour la Culture) since 2018.
She won the third prize at the Zheng Nian Cup International Competition, China, 2023 (for literary essay); as well as the Said Goma Writer's Award, Second Prize for International Creativity for 2024 (At the International Poetry Competition, for the 20 best poets from twenty countries), Cairo, Egypt, 2024; as well as several other international awards and certificates.
She is the honorary ambassador of Femineartfest, 2021, in Istanbul, Turkey, 2021.
The magazine "Svitak" (No. 27-28, 2001) was devoted to the literary work of Verica Tadić.
Dr. Milovan Gočmanac wrote the book "Spiritual-lyrical sensibility" (2012) in which he analyzes the literary work of Verica Tadić.
Dr. Milovan Gočmanac prepared a book of reviews about the literary work of Verica Tadić: "Lazur futurcii".
Milijan Despotović also published a book about Verica's literary work: "Rhetoric of Light".
The international magazine "Diogen" from Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina), which is printed in the US Library of Congress, dedicated 47 pages to Verica Tadić (publishing 25 of her poems).

Prelude of anxiety

When you leave Joy falls ill
And our window Eyelashes
To shoulders lowers
And our watch hand
Loses itself
In somebody else's time
From condense melancholy in the look
Hundred-eyes Argus could go blind
Ianus would also wrinkle
Both his faces to illegibility
If waited for so long
When you leave fingers dream of you
They wake up with anxiety
And when your name is tucked up
On the pillow
When polar night moves
Into our talks
The warmth of your voice
I keep i the nest of my palms
I measure waiting
By slow steps
So that until your arrival
Does not escape into yester

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