Τετάρτη 19 Ιουνίου 2024



 My country is very small,
 but it really gives special beauty,
 golden plains and beautiful mountains,
 as well as gentle sea hugs.

 Only when you meet her will you understand,
 how special it offers,
 heart to the sky and the landscape is beautiful,
 as well as the soul that people have here.

 My country has its wealth,
 beautiful Slavonia, plains and golden fields,
 it is adorned with tall mountain beauties 
 and their irresistible splendor and color.

 There are also Istria and Primorje,
 Dalmatia and Zagorje,
 you have yet to reach their secrets,
 and when you discover them, you embrace them with your heart
 and you don't want to leave them.

 My country is not big, no,
 but win your heart and soul easily,
 her beauty is unique
 and seduce you like the most beautiful mermaid, easy.

 She may not be perfect,
 but that's exactly where her charm lies,
 because there is no perfection where there is no flaw,
 but where you find magic every day.

 In the dance of the sea waves,
  whose embraces merge into one,
 in the fragrance of the plains whose treasures are so precious,
 in the rapture of bright irresistible colors,
 long live Croatia, my country. 

 Danijela Ćuk

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