Δευτέρα 5 Αυγούστου 2024

Muhammad Ishaq Abbasi "A Rooster"

I saw a beautiful rooster in a green place,
Which always fluttered with a lot of grace.
Crest was on his head which Allah blessed,
In  inky black and golden he was dressed.
He had  a brown rough and sharp claw,
All others worked under his oversaw.
At intervals,drank water and chewed grain,
With strong wings,he was happy in the rain.
He was in love with his lovely spouse,
Himself ate less and fed her more in house 
Daily slept on time and crowed on time,
Aha! he was getting past his prime.
In his voice there was no  crack
Didn't look weak, coward and slack.
Differentiated between familiar and unfamiliar,
Preferred a good friend and hated a liar.
Liked to follow someone 's good advice,
He Always seemed ready to sacrifice.
Dr Muhammad Ishaq Abbasi 


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