Παρασκευή 21 Μαρτίου 2025

Αντώνης Φιλιππαίος - Ποιήματα


Έλα ξανά και ανακάλυψε την αρχή
που ξέχασα στα βάθη του χρόνου,
να νιώσω πάλι μαχητής
για όση ευτυχία αξίζω
να έχω μαζί σου,
όνειρό μου αληθινό,
γλυκιά μου αυταπάτη.
Παίρνω ζωή όταν εκείνη οργίζεται
και δραπετεύει απ’ τα υγρά σου χείλη
που παίζουν με τις λέξεις.
Βάζω το χέρι μου για να σωπάσουν.
Ίσως η σιγή είναι προτιμότερη
απ’ τη δίψα για λόγια τρυφερά
που τόσο τα ’χω ανάγκη.
Ακούω για ώρες τις παύσεις
που αγγίζουν τις χορδές που σίγησαν,
τα καρδιοχτύπια που θέλω
να μοιραστώ μαζί σου,
τους κραδασμούς της ψυχής
που ξεκλείδωσαν ξεχασμένα συναισθήματα
για να σε συγκινήσουν.

Αντώνης Φιλιππαιος



Δεν μπορώ να σε φτάσω,
είσαι έτη φωτός μακριά,
όμως εκείνα τα δροσερά φύλλα
από φωτεινά νούφαρα που σε διαπερνούν
είναι δικά μου.
Θέλω να τα αιχμαλωτίσω για πάντα στη συννεφιά
και να τα βαφτίσω με τ’ όνομά μου.
Όποτε νιώθω μοναξιά, να παίρνω δύναμη
απ’ το χαμόγελό σου,
να πλάθω με το μυαλό δυο κόσμους θείους·
όταν σε ακούω, να γίνομαι ποταμός
χυτού ορείχαλκου και να κυλώ
με τις λέξεις που ξεπηδούν
απ’ τα χείλη σου·
να τις μαζεύω
κάνοντάς τες γλυκό ερχομό
να σ’ τον αφιερώνω τα βράδια
λίγο πριν κοιμηθώ με την εικόνα σου
χαραγμένη στους χάρτες του μυαλού
που μαγνητίζει τους πόλους της ψυχής.
Έγινα δέσμη φωτός για σένα που ποθώ,
πάθος ορμητικό,
και αν έρθεις ποτέ και μ’ αγγίξεις,
τότε θα παραδοθώ
δίχως μάχη,
δίχως δισταγμό...

©®Αντώνης Φιλιππαιος



I can’t reach you,
but those cool leaves from lambent lotuses that penetrate you
are mine.
I want to capture them for ever
in the overcast sky
and give them my name.
When I feel lonely,
to take heart of your smile,
to create in my mind two sacred worlds.
When I hear you, to become a river
of molten brass and flow
with the words that jump out of your lips;
to gather them
turning them to sweet arrival
to dedicate it to you at night
just before I fall asleep
with you figure gravened on the maps of mind
that magnetizes the poles of soul.
A beam of light I become
for you that I desire,
impetuous passion,
and if you ever come to touch me,
then I will surrender
without a fight,
without hesitation…



Όσα δεν κατάφερα να πω
σε περιμένουν ακόμα
ερμητικά κλεισμένα,
σφραγισμένα από τη λαχτάρα μου
μήπως δουν το φως,
αρνηθούν τη σιωπή
που χρόνια τα είχε καταδικάσει
και ξεθαρρέψουν
έτοιμα να οδηγηθούν σε σένα,
να χαϊδέψουν τα χείλη,
να τρυπώσουν στην καρδιά,
να φωνάξουν δυνατά,
να μην κρύψουν τίποτα,
να παραδοθούν,
ν’ αντέξουν.
Τι θ’ απογίνουν;
Κανείς δεν ξέρει…
Ίσως τα διώξεις μακριά,
ίσως τα χλευάσεις.
Κράτησέ τα για πάντα μέσα σου·
αυτό θα ’θελα.
Κι αν τα πετάξεις, μη!…
Δώσ’ τα μου πίσω,
είναι δικά μου·
εγώ θα τα μαζέψω
έστω και μόνος.
Όπως τόσο καιρό,
στη μοναξιά θα σ’ αγαπώ...

©®Αντώνης Φιλιππαιος

Untold Words

What I didn't get to say
is still waiting for you
hermetically sealed,
sealed by my longing
that maybe they will see the light,
refuse the silence
that had condemned them for years
and become encouraged
prepared to be led to you,
to caress the lips,
to thrust through,
to hide nothing,
to surrender,
to endure.
What will become of them?
No one knows...
...you might drive them away,
maybe you'll mock them.
Keep them inside you forever:
That's what I'd like.
And if you throw them away, don't...
Give them back to me,
They're mine.
I'll pick them up
even if I'm alone.
Like I've been doing all this time,
I'll love you in my solitude...

Μετάφραση - Σοφία Κονταξή
Επιμέλεια Μετάφρασης Μαρία Τσουκαλάς



Κάτω από τη σκιά σκέψης ψαχουλέυω με γούστο
Αφουγκράζομαι να πιάσω την ηχώ της ερήμου
Τώρα που τον αντίλαλο δημιουργίας εκεί βρίσκω
Ονειροπαρμένος μες στου οίστρου το ναίσκο
Νοιάζομαι τις ζυμώσεις στης ποίησης το μούστο
Θέλω να νιώσω την ατόφια μοναξιά μες την ψυχή μου ..
Κρυφοκοιμούνται βαθιά μέσα μου ψύθιροι και στεναγμοί
Του άγρυπνου λήθαργου η λάβα, και σκέψεις πληθώρα
Θαλερές μπουμπούκιασμένες άφατες σιωπές
Τεχνοσμηλεμένες στροφές με ιδέες τρωτές
Τρεμοδονούνται ένα σωρό διλήμματα, σεισμοί
Τραγούδια σεργιανόπουλα στης προσφυγιάς τη μπόρα.
Δεν αγουροξυπνώ βίαια τα όνειρα μου τ 'άφωνα
Φαντασίας κουκούλια που σιγο’υ’φανουν μετάξι
Κοιμούνται βουτηγμένα σε ανήσυχη γαλήνη
Σαν η θράκα στο νου μου που σιγοσβήνει
Ένα ηφαίστειο με υπόκοφα λόγια και παράτολμα
Φλογοπυρακτομένες ρίμες έτοιμο να πετάξει.
Παρακαλώ, άστε με να νιώσω εκείνη τη φλασιά
Να γίνω στίχος, μια μελωδία που απλώνει
Που γίνεται τρικυμία και πέλαγος τρελό
Φεγγοχαρμόσυνο γέλιο,ένα πελώριο ταγκό
Ο μερακλής γεωργός που γόνιμοσπέρνει την αυλακιά
Ψώνιο που αντί σ ' ανθόκηπους χαζεύει στο σαλόνι.
Παρακαλώ σεβαστείτε τ' αυριανά στιχοπλάσματα
Μη ταράζεται και σκάψετε ακόμα τις σιωπές
Τη στιγμή που χρυσοανθοκεντάω
τους στίχους
Παρακαλώ ,μη σωριάζετε της αντοχής τους τοίχους
Τις κελαηδονοφωλιές μη κάνετε χαλάσματα
Θα σας κάψουν βροντές διαμαρτυρίας κι ' αστραπές.
Λευτέρης Σιωμος Κ/67 δ.π.ελ

Η φωτογραφία δημιουργήθηκε με το ΑΙ



Του έλεγε να καταφύγει στην ποίηση,
γιατί μπορούσε ως μύστης να την υπηρετήσει,
στην τέχνη της να αφιερωθεί,
να λυτρωθεί στη δημιουργία
και να μεταλάβει της ζωής την ομορφιά,
στίχο το στίχο, στροφή τη στροφή
κι απ’ τη θεία τούτη μετάληψη
πολλοί πιστοί προσκυνητές και λειτουργοί να πιούνε.

Αρνήθηκε τη σιωπή, δίστασε και στον ύμνο,
γιατί η ποίηση δεν είναι του λόγου σμίλεμα
ούτε έμπνευση του απείθαρχου μυαλού.
Απέχει από την τέχνη και τη σπουδή
και δεν συνθέτει πανδαισία
ούτε έκφραση είναι και επικοινωνία.

Είναι οργή και σπαραγμός,
άλγος και ορρωδία,
κατάβαση είναι στα σκοτεινά του λογισμού,
και μοίρασμα και σκόρπισμα της ψυχής.
Είναι κραυγή απ’ την άβυσσο,
ανάστασης πισωγύρισμα,
γεννησημιού το φύτρο,
φως αστραπής που φλογίζει των αδύτων
και φαίνονται στο μεγαλείο τους,
τ’ ανθρώπινα τα πάθη.

Του έλεγε να αρμενίζει της ζωής,
με θάλασσα το στοχασμό και άνεμο το λόγο.
Οι λέξεις κόκκινα πανιά,
οι στίχοι του κατάρτια,
για μακρινά και άγνωστα λιμάνια,
για κλειστές και απροσπέλαστες ακτές.

Ανεπιτήδευτα της νύχτας αδελφοποιτοί,
το βίωσαν το ταίριασμα κι οι δυο
με ταυτισμένη σκέψη.
Γιατί η ποίηση είναι διαφυγή
και γλίστρημα στο χρόνο,
κρυφή καταφυγή κι αρμένισμα ονείρων.
Ολοφυρμός και οδύνη στ’ αδιέξοδα
και παράδοση στη μοναξιά τ’ απείρου.
Γι’ αυτό και όταν διαβάζεται,
προσωπική γραφή ομολογείται.

Γιώργος Αλεξανδρής

Η φωτογραφία δημιουργήθηκε με ΑΙ

Article Written by TAGHRID BOU MERHI


Between Theories of Extermination and Reality: When Humans Become a Cancer on Earth

Written by Taghrid Bou Merhi - Lebanon - Brazil

Since the dawn of history, humans have sought to dominate the Earth's resources. However, some ideologies and theories have gone even further, claiming that part of humanity must be exterminated for the benefit of others. These ideas were not mere passing theories but formed the basis for oppressive policies and practices that destroyed entire societies. From the "Golden Billion" theory proposed by Thomas Robert Malthus, which advocates for the extermination of the majority to ensure the elite’s prosperity, to the racist theories of anthropologist Arthur de Gobineau, and even modern fears surrounding artificial intelligence and its implications—all these reveal a hidden tendency to exclude large segments of humanity under various pretexts.

Malthus believed that natural resources were limited and could not sustain all humans, so the population should be reduced to only one billion people, while the rest should be eliminated. His theory was used to justify colonial policies, wars, and manufactured famines, as Malthusians saw the poor and weak as a burden on society, needing to be naturally eradicated through epidemics or wars. Although much of his thinking has been discredited, its echoes still resonate in certain international policies that impose poverty on specific nations, restrict access to food, healthcare, and education, and reinforce a divide between a privileged class and another condemned to suffering or slow extermination.

Arthur de Gobineau, on the other hand, entrenched the idea of white racial superiority, arguing that humanity was divided into superior races that should dominate the world and inferior ones that should remain subjugated or be eliminated. His ideas laid the foundation for Nazi and fascist ideologies, justifying the enslavement of entire peoples and the extermination of millions during the Holocaust, colonialism, and apartheid. Despite the passage of time, these ideas persist in modern forms such as Islamophobia, refugee hatred, and economic discrimination, where certain groups are treated as if they are less deserving of life and prosperity.

With advancements in artificial intelligence, new concerns have arisen regarding how technology is being exploited to reinforce discrimination and exclusion. From biased algorithms that favor certain groups over others to AI-driven population control through social credit systems and mass surveillance, humanity appears to be entering a new era of digital extermination—where people are not eliminated by traditional weapons but by algorithmic decisions that condemn them to poverty, imprisonment, or even death.

Some regimes have applied mass extermination theories with brutal efficiency, as seen in the Nazi genocide of Jews, Roma, and the disabled—where over six million people were killed—or in colonial massacres across Africa, Asia, and Latin America, where wars and famines were used to wipe out millions of indigenous people. Ethnic cleansing in Bosnia and Rwanda, which led to the deaths of hundreds of thousands based on their ethnic or religious identities, is another example. Such practices were not limited to wars but extended to biological experiments, such as the infamous Tuskegee Syphilis Study, where infected individuals were left untreated to observe the disease’s progression. Some even believe that certain deadly viruses were the result of unethical laboratory experiments aimed at targeted depopulation.

In modern times, global powers employ economic policies to keep poor nations under control. These include imposing unpayable debts on developing countries, ensuring they remain tied to international financial institutions, monopolizing natural resources, and creating economic environments that make it nearly impossible for some nations to thrive. These policies no longer require armies or weapons; instead, they operate through invisible mechanisms that make the poor even poorer while granting the wealthy greater control over the world’s fate.

Ironically, those who promote these theories claim to be working toward a better world, yet in reality, they reinforce ignorance, stupidity, and injustice by suppressing knowledge, spreading fear of the "other," and weakening collective awareness until individuals become solely focused on their personal interests. Ultimately, if humans continue to see one another as enemies rather than as partners in life, we are heading toward an inevitable catastrophe.

Today, we may no longer witness Nazi gas chambers or direct colonial massacres, but extermination takes on new forms—from economic domination and digital discrimination to the spread of diseases and environmental destruction. When we read the inscription on the Georgia Guidestones in 1980: "Do not be a cancer on the Earth. Leave room for nature," we must recognize that this was not just an environmental appeal but a warning that if humans do not abandon their greed and exclusionary tendencies, they may become a disaster for the Earth itself.

If we wish to avoid this fate, we must counter these theories with knowledge, awareness, and cooperation—rather than allowing ignorance and greed to dictate humanity's future. The most crucial question remains: Will we be a cancer on Earth, or will we let God's mercy prevail?

Taghrid BouMerhi Poetry



I was a prisoner behind the fence of fear,
Searching for a window in the wall of night,
But the moon was pale,
And the wind tore through the silent branches.

I cried out:
O sky, open your gate to the light!
A star exploded in my chest,
And the birds returned to their nests.

But the chains tightened around the dream,
Draining my cry,
As if the earth refused to listen
To the echo of footsteps fleeing toward the light.

O freedom, are you a mirage
We chase through dark alleys?
Or are you a sun born
When we shatter the shackles buried in our veins?

I will write your name upon the wall of the wind
And let the echo carry
My voice to the coming dawn.

One day,
I will stand atop the sun
And dance with the light,
As the wind was in a pure time!




Stretch your hands toward the horizon,
Like the surge of waves rising against the shore.
Do not fear the darkness,
For stars are born from the womb of night.

Tell the wind to carry your song
And scatter it over the balconies,
For when a branch is broken,
It grows from pain flowers that never die.

I am the child of open skies,
I do not belong to fences
Or closed doors.
Freedom is rooted in the soul,
Not in locked squares.

I will walk on water if the earth narrows,
And I will carry in my wound
A flower of dreams.
If you are imprisoned today,
Tomorrow is your meeting with the light.

Give hope its wings,
And walk beneath the rain.
Freedom is not granted—
It is seized from the jaws of time!




Freedom has no door,
Nor does it love walls.
It recoils from iron
And despises the color of chains on the wrist.

It is a wave racing toward the horizon,
Breaking yet returning stronger.
It is a cloud refusing to trap its rain,
A flower blooming in the palm of the wind.

Do not ask where it dwells,
For it lives in the eyes of birds,
In the breath of children’s laughter,
In the voice of a song that knows
No language of submission.

Every wall,
No matter how high,
Will one day be nothing but a fleeting shadow.
And the river, which embraced the soil for too long,
Will return to the sea at dawn.

If you cannot find it around you,
Search within yourself.
Perhaps you are the bird
Who has yet to discover his wings!


Short Biography:

TAGHRID BOU MERHI is a distinguished Lebanese-Brazilian Poet, Author, Essayist, Editor, Translator, and Media Professional known for her profound literary contributions across multiple languages. She currently resides in Brazil, where she has built a remarkable career in poetry, translation, and cultural journalism.
With a Master’s degree in Law, Bou Merhi has established herself as a versatile intellectual figure, seamlessly bridging the worlds of literature and academia. She is fluent in five languages in addition to her native Arabic, which has enabled her to translate and publish an impressive body of work. Her translations include 43 books and over 2000 poems, and her writings have been translated into 47 languages.
Bou Merhi has authored 23 books, both in print and digital formats, covering a range of genres, including poetry, short stories, haikus, critical studies, articles, and children’s literature. Her literary influence extends beyond writing, as she serves as the editor of the translation department for 12 Arabic magazines and a Spanish magazine Azahar Poetic and Reverence Cultural poetry. Additionally, she has written introductions for 40 books and contributed to more than 220 National and international books and anthologies.
Her exceptional contributions to world literature have earned her numerous international accolades. She was named among the top 50 women shaping modern literature in Asia and one of the top 20 media professionals in the region from Legacy Crown. Chinese television CCCV ranked her among the top 10 poets globally for her mastery of language and poetry.
Currently, Bou Merhi serves as the head of the Lebanon branch of the International Chamber of Books and Artists and holds key cultural relations roles in five international and regional organizations. She has also been an international judge for the Walt Whitman competition for three consecutive years.
Taghrid Bou Merhi has received numerous international awards, honors, and certificates for her literary and translation work. Some of the most notable include:
•Naji Naaman Award (2023) – Recognizing her excellence in literature.
•Nizar Sartawi’s Translation Award – For her outstanding contributions to translation.
•First Prize in the Nian Zhang Cup (2023) – A prestigious international poetry award.
•Top 50 Women in Modern Literature (Asia) – Honored for her impact on contemporary literature.
•Top 20 Media Professionals in Asia – Recognized for her influence in cultural journalism.
•Top 10 Poets Worldwide by CCCV (China) – Acknowledged for her mastery of language and poetry.
•Judge for the Walt Whitman International Poetry Competition – Serving for three consecutive years.
Additionally, she has received many certificates of appreciation from international cultural organizations and literary institutions for her contributions to poetry, translation, and cultural exchange.

POETRY collaboration China Mexico (James Tian Jeanette Eureka Tiburcio)

 Original poem:

Guadalupana soy hasta la muerte. 

Madre, aquí me encuentro,
Agradecida, frágil, vulnerable
Amándote cada día y bendiciendo
Haber tenido la dicha de ser tu hija
Tu fiel aprendiz...poco soy frente a tu brillo
Oscuridad junto a tu luz... 
Sólo quiero,
Que mi padre me permita estar cerca de tí
Lo suficiente,
En esta vida y en tantas muertes
Para poder despertar,
En un poco de tu luz.

Madre, mi morenita, 
Se que estos días, no han sido fáciles
Y que tu sufres por tus hijos, 
Por los que están,
Los que se han ido,
Por los que te desconocen y desconocen a mi Padre.

Madre llena de rosas, 
De fragancia sin par
De luz celestial,
Madre mía de Guadalupe,
Gracias, porque con mi total imperfección
Me has permitido nacer en ti.

Permite, que mi cuerpo tenga la fuerza
Permite, que mi mente tenga la claridad
Mi corazón la inocencia,
Dótame de aliados en amor y unidad
Para poder regresar al mundo en humanidad desde
Esta tierra de bronce, que has elegido para quedarte.
Madre mía de Guadalupe, inspiración de mi vida
Gracias por tu protección y por darnos la vida ...
Guadalupana soy hasta la muerte.


我永是瓜達露佩娜 ,直至於死

在這裡感恩 帶著脆弱共無助,
每一刻都是愛妳 並祝福著妳,
我多麼有幸 成為妳的女兒。
共妳的才華相比 我又多麼渺小,
儘管黑暗 就藏在妳光明的旁邊……
願天父 準許我接近妳,
在這生死間 足夠移近,

聖母 我的天使,
我知這日子 過得不易。

聖母 帶著玫瑰的姿麗,
感激妳 寬容我的瑕疵,

瓜達露佩聖母 妳是我終生的靈感來源,
我永是瓜達露佩娜 ,直至於死。

The poem submission date: November 3, 2024

珍妮特·蒂布西奧·馬爾克斯 (Jeanette Tiburcio Márquez),墨西哥女詩人、作家。

Original poem:

Unveiling the Inner Fortress: A Journey of Self-Discovery

In the depths of our being, a spark lies in wait,
A flame that flickers, yet burns with a steady state.
A fire that forges, our innermost might,
A strength that's hidden, yet yearns to take flight.

Let's embark on a journey, to discover and explore,
The uncharted territories, of our inner shore.
Let's delve into the depths, of our soul's darkest night,
And uncover the treasures, that lie hidden in plain sight.

For we are stronger, than we think we are,
Our resilience is forged, in the fire of life's scar.
We've weathered the storms, and navigated the tides,
And in the process, our inner strength has multiplied.

So let's not be held back, by the shackles of fear,
Let's break free from the chains, that bind us to doubt and peer.
Let's unleash our inner lion, and let our spirit roar,
For we are capable, of achieving greatness, and so much more.

In the mirror's reflection, a warrior's gaze meets our own,
A warrior who's battled, and emerged victorious, every time, alone.
So let's draw upon that strength, and let our spirit soar,
For we are the masters, of our own destiny's score.

Let's discover our strength, and let our inner light shine,
For in the darkness, we'll find, a radiance that's truly divine.
So let's embark on this journey, with hearts full of cheer,
And uncover the treasures, that lie hidden, and bring them near.



一團火焰 閃爍卻持續地燒燃。
一團火焰 鍛造我們內心深處的分力,
一股隱藏的力量 卻渴望飛天。

探索我們內心海岸 那些未知宮殿。

我們的韌性 是於生命傷痕的火焰中鍛造而見。
我們經受住了風暴 駕馭過潮汐,
在此過程中 內在分力成倍增添。

所以 讓我們不要被恐懼的枷鎖所縛,
讓我們掙脫束縛 我們懷疑和窺視的糾纏。
讓我們釋放內心的雄獅 讓我們的精神咆哮,
因我們有能力實現偉大 甚至無際無邊。

於鏡中的倒影 一個戰士的目光與我們相遇,
所以 讓我們利用這份力 使精神翱翔,

讓我們發現我們的分力 讓我們的內心閃耀,
因在黑暗中 我們會發現,
所以 讓我們滿懷喜悅地踏上這旅程,
找到隱藏的寶藏 並將它們帶到身邊。

The poem submission date: March 19, 2025

阿肖克•庫瑪爾(Ashok Kumar),印度詩人。

All translations
Made by
James Tian
Chinese language

Ashok Kumar
English language

Bhagirath Choudhary Poetry



A highly celebrated Yogi
An ardent Haj going Maulavi
Keeper of commandments 
A "holy than thou" Christian saint
Together they went to the heaven's gate
O, keeper of the cosmic records
Open the gate of heaven
Let us in, they said in one voice

The keeper of the gate said
Go back to earth
And bring back your other halves
Only complete person is allowed
We sent you together
And together you shall return

All three were dismayed
What does he mean by the other half ?
They asked him
which other half you are talking about, Sir
The wise gate keeper replied
Where is the woman ? 

Further the keeper of gate added
You three acted as male chauvanists
You lived in the prison of gender
Never came out of gender box
You never respected your other half
You must know that every man has whole genome
Male and female together
So does every woman

O Yogi, you pride yourself
For your self contemplation
Yet you never allowed single meditation
Upon the greatness of feminine divine
You never tried to know
How to turn your blood into "liquid love" 
To feed the liquid love - the milk for the babe
How to have infinite patience
While incubating the eggs or
Waiting upon the child
You never tried to contemplate
Why woman chose her costume ?
With a rucksack in front
To practice the self sacrificing
To offer her back to the wolves
But to keep the love child safe.

O, self claimed pious Maulavi
You kept your woman under the tent
She was not the mother of your children
But a reproductive machine
Who after birth
Handed over the child to you
So you could make a swordsman
For your insatiable greed of empire

O, keeper of holy commandments
You made a playboy of yourself
The woman was stripped naked
To boast of a civilized world
For your burning desires of material consumption
You made a advertising Mannequin of the divine feminine

I know you all three are cursing me
But the truth must prevail
For in heaven
Only one dharma has dominion
That is the dharma of truth
Wise ones say thus
There is no religion greater than religion of truth ( सत्यात् नास्ति परो धर्मः)
So please go back to earth 
And only return when you are complete human being

Then, the Yogi implored thus
O, divine self be our Guru
And give us the discerning eye
The wisdom eye (उपनयन) that sees only truth.
The divine gate keeper said thus
You must come out of the gender box
Either you contemplate the feminine divine of your genome
Or be a woman in next birth
So you can be witness to the glory
of feminine divine.
And incorporate the truth in your DNA
Know it well gentlemen,
The gender box is the last gate upon earth
And it equally applies to women as well
And every man and woman must come out of their gender boxes
Before you could reach to the gate of heaven.
And let the truth prevail upon earth.

Copyright Bhagirath Choudhary June 14, 2018


Divine Woman

Evolution lovingly refined a woman
Indeed so much more than a man
Crowning her with deeply loving attitude
And with life sustaining deep ecology of gratitude.

Godly attitudes come to a woman
More naturally than a man
Love, empathy, care and patience
Come to her more easily than beastly violence.

Evolution wrapped her body into a beautiful dress
And gave her a tiara of a living goddess
She is embodiment of divine human passion
Evolution made her mother of human nation.

How a man allows the beast to dominate him ?
Why a man gives in to his animalistic whim ?
Why a man behaves so insane and wild ?
Violating a sister, mother and an innocent girl child.

It is high time that all earth nations of man
Rise above gender injustice and sadistic pain
Man must transcend the beastly male chauvinism
His beast must evolve into divine human organism.

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