Πέμπτη 22 Σεπτεμβρίου 2022

"The Art" A poem of Rezauddin Stalin from Bangladesh


The Art

Nope- I want something more Some well full cool water
As much alive as the kissy lips

I desire to go far-off
Drifted by a banana raft
I know neither Behula nor Laximdor there
We have to go by walking
On the breast of The Ganges Juggler Lilliputian lovebugs all-around

Don't be afraid
I am green and you are blue
You know well all the leaves are solid yellow
The flow of river water is stubborn black
Is the color of your eyes darker than this

I didn't dab kohl at hand-seen you In too many arts- in the way of The Ganges In the dark and light and curiosity of infinite
My fingers are tied in your blowzy fringe

No- I want some endless days
Descending from the loom of your eyewink
As much fetterless as an antique art

Rezauddin Stalin
Translated by Ashraf Chowdhury

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