Τρίτη 25 Ιουνίου 2024

A Poem of Givia (Gloria Francis)



Givia (Gloria Francis) is a global youth ambassador, social entrepreneur, and gender advocate dedicated to promoting girl child education in northern Nigeria. She is the founder of the "Givia Career Planner" initiative and a member of the Hilltop Creative Art Foundation, receiving several awards for her creative talents. Givia is a published poet and spoken word artist, performing at over 50 events in Kaduna State. She is also a humanitarian worker, volunteering with several organizations and interning with Model United Nations. Givia has been invited to speak at international conferences and has organized literary events, inspiring a new generation of leaders and change makers.

Education is the backbone of every society,
Innovation is the mission we must pursue.
Boys and girls are the future we see,
Our hope can only be renewed like a newborn being if we believe.

If we see beyond our past errors,
Beyond the scars built by our forefathers' tenures,
Let us dare to fight for our freedom,
Not just as one, but as a people with a goal so big, even mountains shake.

If we fail to raise the flag of knowledge so high,
Our girls will dance on the surface of the earth with nothing to wear,
Our boys will pick pockets until they pick our souls bare,
We will teach our offspring not just the teachings of old,
But also how important the future stands on their shoulders.

This is not a time to sleep,
This is an awakening of lost souls.
Because Artificial intelligence is grows like a tree,
If we don't act supreme, it will rule us, ruin us.
The future has only just begun.
If we continue to cry like babies, we will never see the light.
This is not the time to sleep,
This is a time to be.
The future has only just begun.

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